A 10 second change that improves your team meeting 10x
Running a productive team meeting isn't easy.
Often, people complain that team meetings are boring and a waste of time; the topics may not be of interest to everyone in the team; some people feel excluded.
It's strange that organizations capable of measuring, monitoring and continuously improving all sorts of processes in their business, let weekly team meetings drift along without adjustments and direction and little effort to adjust and improve its effectiveness over time.
And here is why that is a missed opportunity.
Sending a short 'One Question Survey' after every team meeting, asking members to rate their experience of the meeting’s productiveness, proved extremely effective in combating team member boredom and lack of engagement. It's also an opportunity for honest, anonymous feedback about weekly meetings.
The survey can be sent immediately after every meeting and it takes less than a minute to complete. If you are a manager, this simple task will help you in a few ways:
1 - The survey helps you see what topics are interesting and engaging to participants and which ones aren’t. You can shift or alter the meeting-agenda immediately after you see people’s rating of the meeting.
2 - It helps you understand what people like most about the meetings (sounds almost too easy, right?).
3 - The survey reminds team members that they are all responsible for making the meeting productive and effective.
4 - The post-meeting survey also empowers team members so that they feel they can impact the meeting’s topics and structure
5 - And, for those managing a global team with participants around the world, the survey helps you detect and understand your remote workers' engagement during team meetings (something that's always hard to do).
Check out some of my other tips on improving your meeting’s effectiveness in this previous blog.